Installation and Operations Service * خدمة التركيب والتشغيل
We build efficient and cost effective network and communication solutions based on the latest technologies.
Our highly qualified, certified, and experienced pre-sales engineers cater to customer networking requirements.
Our clients consist of small, medium, and large enterprises and we provide solutions ranging from IP Telephony, telepresence, data center construction, and equipment provision with fire prevention equipment, cabinets, and cooling.
The internet has revolutionized business. At the heart of this revolution is networking.
Where there is networking, there is DMS.
Where there is networking, there is DMS.
Networking: Driving Business Forward
Traditionally, people conceived of networking as a solely PC – to – PC connection that could be secured by any electrician. Today, people recognise this was a misconception. Modern networking is not a cable connected to computers. Rather, it is a creative medium that facilitates a business’s expansion, enhances staff productivity and dramatically reduces operational costs. These factors demonstrate why networking – in its innovative contemporary form – is the driving force of modern business.
DMS promises to engineer into your business a sophisticated network infrastructure that serves years of business growth with no additional investment.
Smart Infrastructure
A smart cabling network can pay for itself many times over its lifetime. The alternative options will likely lead to unfulfilled potential or a complete re – cabling every few years – both at greater cost in the long term.
Though each system is unique, any structured cabling system must conform to these fundamental criteria:
Standardized media and layout for both backbone and horizontal cabling.
Standard connection interfaces for the physical connection of equipment.
Consistent and uniform design that follows a system plan and basic design principles.

DMS offers state – of – the art infrastructure engineering that ensures:
End – to – end tested cabling components to minimize the risk of incompatibility.
An open and versatile architecture that supports data, phone, video equipment and applications from countless vendors.
Lower maintenance costs: clever design minimizes the possibility of breakdown and subsequent work interruption.
Minimized network outage risk and/or decreased outage duration. An end – to – end network infrastructure solution can cut outage time by up to 50%, resulting in significant financial savings for businesses.
DMS infrastructure provides smart solutions so you can make smart savings: invest wisely today, and prosper tomorrow.
Point – to – Point Link:
The Point – to – Point link is the most reliable, low – cost method for establishing communication between two points with a distance ranging from 5km to 50km «up to 50+Mbps TCP/IP». It is an ideal solution for farms, residence camps, work locations, or storehouses in remote areas uncovered by telephone or internet services. The system initiates a fast link to stream all types of data including internet, VoIP, and security camera footage. The distance, speed, and area coverage depends on the geographical conditions and equipment utilized. DMS’s specially trained team of engineers has the experience and resources to handle any such project.
Wireless Mesh System
The Wireless Mesh System is another reliable, effective, cost – friendly method of establishing communications across a wide area, such as industrial units, storehouses and business parks. The system creates a network with available internet signal all over the designated area. This allows everyone who has permission to access the network and use it for internet browsing and phone communication. The wireless network is fast, stable and has an extensive range. It is a fantastic alternative to the costly wired networks, offering value, easy access and wider availability.
The equipment necessary to make it work is all installed outdoors, so unlike the wired option, it does not affect the building space or internal decoration. For the same reason, any maintenance work will not disturb the running of the company environment.
Virtual Private Network «VPN»
VPN allows you to set up a private network using the internet, creating a web of computers linked together to share various resources such as company files. VPNs securely and cost – effectively connect all users regardless of location, creating one cohesive virtual network. It also allows employees to securely access the company’s intranet while traveling outside the office, and thus benefit from the functionality, security and management policies of the company network.
DMS engineers have a proven track record of establishing VPN networks for medium and large firms, delivering exceptionally high performance without sacrificing reliability.
Data Center: A Complex Web of Control
For large corporations, a data center is the nucleus of all operations. As such, data centers are complex, typically housing thousands of servers and hundreds of terabytes of storage. The physical infrastructure of a data center must be strong and agile enough to support such a large operation and support shifting asset allocation and management technologies such as virtualization
This is why it requires special technical expertise – the kind that DMS takes great pride in offering.
DMS is proud to be one of the few IT firms qualified for the design and implementation of the most advanced data centers. We provide feasibility analysis, technology master format planning, power and cooling systems analysis, cost budgeting and project management.
DMS allows you to master your data center and create the perfect control system for your enterprise.
Network Security: Protecting Your Business
As technology and business models evolve, security has become a key factor in maintaining the integrity of corporate networks and safeguarding the competitive intelligence, data, and communication lines they support.
DMS offers an adaptable, multi – layered defensive strategy that encompasses all the components of your IT environment, from the network to the perimeter, data, applications and endpoints, minimizing the weak points and vulnerabilities that expose your organization to risk.
We plan, build, support and manage a secure infrastructure that handles all vulnerabilities of today and tomorrow. We understand the value of your business and its data. That is why we have created a system to protect it.
Google Apps: Collaboration in the Cloud
Google Apps represent a broad, constantly updated and dynamic layer within the world of networking. Google, the world’s internet leader, has developed this concept with the provision that a business should be able to work efficiently and without interruption online and offline, from the office and the home. One of the ways in which it has helped to facilitate this is by allowing users to migrate their files to its virtual storage unit, Google Drive. It has also brought a range of business tools onto the cloud. Modern businesses can now be versatile and easy to access and run from any location. All the company resources, files, documents, transactions, applications, calendars and so on are available under one umbrella for any employee granted access to them. Essentially, the office has become mobile and all employees can collaborate in one virtual environment. This is a revolution in the world of business and alters the meaning of the term ‘workplace’
The idea is not, however, limited to mobility. The huge virtual marketplace within Google Apps makes hundreds of useful business tools affordable. Moreover, the number of tools and apps available is continuously increasing to cover almost all aspects of business, from accounting and security to storage, HR, asset management, email exchange managers, proofing tools and engineering. Most of these tools are either free or low – priced.
DMS gives you an advantage in this marketplace because it is an authorized reseller of Google Apps and related applications.
اذا كنت مستعدا للانضمام الى قطاع الاعمال الحديث ، فانت بالتاكيد مستعد للتفكير في “الشبكة المتكاملة” كحل مثالي لتسيير اعمالك.
الشبكات تقود التجارة
تقليديا. يظن الناس ان “الشبكة” تعني وصلة بين حاسب وحاسب آخر ، وهو امر يمكن لأي كهربائي ان يفعله بعشرة ريالات مثلا. اما اليوم فاكثرية الناس يدركون ان ذلك الفهم كان خطأ. الشبكات الحديثة ليست كابلات تصل بين حاسب وآخر. بل هي اداة ذكية لتسريع العمل وتحسين انتاجية الموظفين وخفض النفقات التشغيلية. هذا يوضح لماذا تعتبر الشبكة – في شكلها الابداعي الجديد – القوة المحركة لقطاع الاعمال الحديث.
تفخر مؤسسة “الاسطورة الرقمية”بكونها احد ابرز الخبراء في تصميم وتنفيذ الشبكات العالية السرعة على مستوى المملكة. وخلال السنوات الماضية نفذت مشاريع شبكات عديدة تتضمن بنية تحتية مؤهلة لاستيعاب وتسيير عمليات متزامنة وشديدة التعقيد. تتميز هذه الشبكات بالقدرة على استيعاب الاعباء الاضافية لاي توسع في العمل لعشرين سنة قادمة دون الحاجة لاستثمارات اخرى.
البنية التحتية الذكية
الانتقال الى العصر الرقمي ومكننة العمليات التجارية يحتاج الى شبكات عالية الكفاءة مثلما تحتاج السيارات الى طرق واسعة. والحقيقة ان الشركات التي جربت الشبكات السريعة اكتشفت ان كل ريال صرف عليها قد تم استرجاعه مرات عديدة على شكل توفير في النفقات التشغيلية وزيادة في الانتاجية والعائد.
الذين اختاروا الشبكات العادية اضطروا للانفاق على شبكات جديدة كل سنة او سنتين ، خاصة اذا احتاجوا لاضافة معدات جديدة او خدمات جديدة.
رجال الاعمال اليوم اذكياء بما يكفي لاختيار شبكات ذكية تعمل سنوات طويلة وتستوعب اي توسع جديد دون مصروفات اضافية.